INTEGRATED® Equipment, Inc

Design ǀ Engineering ǀ OEM Equipment Manufacturing API Licenses (6A, 16A, 16C, 20E, ASME U) and Certifications (API Q1 & ISO)
OEM Elastomer Manufacturing ǀ Global Repair & Remanufacturing (OEM & API 16AR) ǀ Global Distribution


Saltwater disposal is the process of injecting produced water back into the ground. Produced water is a byproduct of oil and gas production containing dissolved salts and other minerals. It is important to dispose of produced water properly to avoid environmental contamination.  Produced water process enhance oil and gas recovery by injecting it into producing reservoirs. It helps to maintain reservoir pressure and improve the flow of oil and gas to the wellbore.

A Pulsation Dampener is an accumulator designed to absorb pressure pulsations created by reciprocating pumps. Pulsation Dampeners are used to reduce wear and tear on all system components including the pump

INTEGRATED® (OEM) manufactures Pulsation Dampeners for use with all makes and types of reciprocating pumps in the Oilfield Servicesector (Workover, Drilling, Production – Suction & Discharge, Fluid End Pumping and Pipeline), Mining, Petro Chemical and Reverse Osmosis markets.PD Product catalogs are available upon request that offer options on each of the PD sizes below.

PD Product catalogs are available upon request that offer options on each of the PD sizes below.


Sizing and Selection of Pulsation Dampener:

Pulsation Dampener selection is a critical process which requires a thorough knowledge of a pressure system, the system components, and the fluid characteristics. Please contact INTEGRATED® for assistance in making sure the Pulsation Dampener you select is right for your specific application.

Production Pulsation Dampener (IPPD™) Dimensions & Weights: